Because we are not tied to or partnered with any manufacturer, Attune Hearing are able to provide you with a large number of brands and styles from which to choose. We believe that you as the patient have the right to choose the type of product with the support of an Audiologist recommendation, without being pushed to buy a specific brand or product owned by the company.
Our diagnostic services and rehabilitation recommendations are independent, with strong medical foundation. Clients have peace of mind knowing the recommendation will have a large range of product and brands from which to choose, if and only if their diagnostic analysis requires the option of a hearing aid fitting.
Attune only employs University Qualified Audiologists, who provide professional care, the highest standard of service and a level of knowledge unmatched by competitors in the industry.
Attune does NOT focus on selling a product. We focus on finding the best solution for our patients through specialised diagnostic hearing tests. Furthermore, consistently providing a high level of care and consideration through the Attune After Care Program.
Attune has a strong alliance of GP’s and Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists (ENT’s) Australia wide, who refer for our services. If GP’s trust Attune, so can you.